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About Xicoco

Xicoco Shamanic Arts (XSA) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to maintaining and ensuring accessibility to the prolific teachings and artistic work of Koyote the Blind.
The name “Xicoco” comes from the ancient Nahautl language and translates to “beehive.” Like the bees gathering pollen, the XSA community gathers Koyote’s sacred teachings forming the honeycomb which provides the nutrients that maintain the
community, and when shared, everyone benefits from this powerful nutrient.



Promote, preserve and make available the teachings and sacred art of Koyote the Blind for the benefit of humanity. XSA’s mission is met through various methods, including, but not limited to, workshops, lectures, writings, artistic expressions and creations, and spiritual/religious activities. This also includes the pre-conquest history, teachings, and spiritual/religious activities of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas.
XSA does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability or any other protected characteristic as defined by federal, state, or local law. XSA welcomes everyone. XSA does not require adherence to any spiritual belief or creed. The organization fosters a climate of
purposeful inclusion, along with a safe environment where all are encouraged to develop and grow spiritually. XSA cherishes the diversity of humanity, a diversity which includes differences in sex, age, race, ethnicity, and national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, financial means, education, and political perspective.

Sacred Land/Meeting House


In conjunction with promoting Koyote’s work, Xicoco is the care-taker for a 2.25-acre habitat which provides the Medicine Wheel, a sacred circle open to all people for prayer and healing; the Inipi (sweat) Lodge, used for traditional First Nation ceremonies and prayer; the Hanbleychia (Vision Quest) Lodge, used to seek guidance through direct encounter with Spirit; and meeting house, utilized for spiritual workshops, trainings and sacred art. The meeting house and grounds provide a sacred space for spiritual seekers who desire to connect with their inner guide to heal and
transform their lives along with bringing insight and peace to our world for the benefit of All Beings Everywhere.
Koyote’s sacred teachings are provided within this habitat through written form as well as on-site and on-line versions. This sacred land hosts a multi-dimensional terrain that includes climbing boulders, a natural rock garden stairway, pines and fruit-bearing trees and various forms of wildlife that collectively provide serenity and seclusion in which to ponder, meditate, pray and heal.

Who is Koyote the Blind?


Koyote is a Toltec Shaman who began his training among the volcanoes and jungles of El Salvador, where the revolutionary dreams of a just and good world framed his spiritual aspirations. While pursuing his Jesuit education and volunteering to create and lead a literacy program for the children of war refugees, Koyote trained in Tantra Yoga and Western Mysticism during his adolescence, until he was forced into exile when
targeted by that troubled country’s death squads.
In 1985, Koyote fled to the USA, where he obtained political asylum and, eventually, his citizenship. He then took on the role of a householder and raised a family, worked full time, and pursued his graduate and post-graduate studies in Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences at UCSD and Santa Clara University. His worldly obligations did not stop his
spiritual pursuits. He was initiated in Kriya Yoga and Magick while fulfilling his duties as a householder.
In 1995, he was initiated by his Yaqui-Lacandon benefactor into the Toltec tradition and the Path of the Infinite. Koyote was acknowledged as a teacher in the lineage by the elder Nahual, Teczaki Güitame Cachora.
He developed a Toltec improvisational performance art called The Telling, a mystical inducing experience known to affect and transform the listener through a direct and unmediated experience. He works both for humanity, but also against the status quo of this current world.


Koyote is a holder of different traditions: Tantra, Yoga, Magic, The Path of the Nagual, Mayombe, The Brujo.

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